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    30 years of experience leading change through people and technology

    Passionate about Building Generation Zero

  • Combining Experience with Innovation

    • Karen Wint, an experienced senior leader and Director, is helping other business leaders achieve their goals through her portfolio career.
    • As a former COO in a £20bn asset lender she understands the difficult choices that leaders face in delivering change whilst growing their business.
    • Her ‘building generation zero’ portfolio is focused on supporting innovative people who are doing practical things to create sustainable, affordable choices for homes, clean energy generation, e-mobility, or smart technology solutions.  
    • She is available for a range of roles including NED appointments, short-term advisory assignments and leadership mentoring.

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    Board and Corporate Governance Experience

    Regulator approved Director

    Experienced Director of Leeds Building Society (£20bn assets).

    Chair of 3 Risk Governance Committees (Credit, Operational & Regulatory Risk & Operational Resilience).

    Attendee at Board Risk, Remuneration & Board Transformation Oversight Committees.

    Chair of multiple IT transformation project Steering Committees.

    Accountable Director for gender diversity targets. Introduced cognitive diversity assessment for Board effectiveness review.

    Regulator approved Senior Manager (SMF3 & SMF24).

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    Leadership and Strategy

    Technology, People, Change, Operational Resilience.

    COO responsible for shared-service provision supporting a customer-base of 800,000.

    Creation & implementation of people strategies (including diversity & inclusion & executive remuneration schemes).

    Development of technology & operational resilience strategies (including IT Supplier partnerships, legacy systems re-platforming to cloud, cyber & the architecture to enable digital).

    Carbon Trust accreditation for property estate (4 administrative centres, on premise data centre & 50+ branch locations).

    Freehold acquisition & redesign of 80,000 sq.ft Head Office to deliver financial, cultural & environmental benefits.

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    Advisor and Mentor

    For CEOs, senior leaders and community benefit

    Delivered various advisory assignments including to the CEO of Holbeck Together, a charity in Leeds. Mentoring a senior female executive responsible for strengthening environmental & social performance in another sector. A mentor in both the Women Ahead 30% Club Cross-Company Scheme and the Prince’s Trust Mosaic Scheme for schools.

  • Karen’s Philosophy

    “I believe everyone from ‘boomers’ to Gen Z has a stake in the benefits of a low carbon future. I’m interested in the role that affordable housing, clean energy and transport will play.”

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    “I’ve worked in the mutual sector for all of my career. Building Societies were the first ‘crowd-funders’, which taught me there is nothing more powerful than people helping people.


    I believe we can build a new mutually supportive ‘Generation Zero’ by combining new thinking with business experience.”


    Smart technology, smart people & engaging leadership are key.


    I’m optimistic that innovation in smart technology, clean energy & modular home construction will make a difference quickly. I drive an electric car & am passionately trying to persuade others of the benefits the change can make.

    I’m impressed with the entrepreneurship of young companies in all these areas & would love the opportunity to help as they scale up & need to resolve operational & people challenges.

  • Testimonials

    What people say about working with Karen

    “As a senior leader you are exemplary in your levels of grit, dedication and effort.

    You have always been willing to take on the ‘hard’ stuff that other people didn’t want to do. Not only that, you were prepared to get to level detail to really support your teams and see it through - day and night.”

    Louisa B. Senior Programme Manager

    “You’re so generous with your time, insights and encouragement....

    . . regardless of how busy you are with the day job, and I’ve been constantly amazed by all the little things you notice and share. I hope I can carry even a little bit of this forward in the future as I know what a difference it can make, and has made to me. A huge thank you for all the support you have given me.” Caroline D. Head of Finance

    “You give me the belief that I can be successful whilst not compromising my values.

    You have been my leader since I arrived at LBS with long hair, cardigans, still very much a student. One of the reasons I have stayed so long is because LBS aligns with my moral values. The strongest reason I believe that, is because of you. Thank you for everything, you’ve done more than you’ll ever know.”

    Mark O. Service Delivery Manager.

    “Karen always manages to bring an alternative viewpoint to critical discussions​...”

    “She is a skilled executive director who brings appropriate insight and critical thinking to driving forward an organisations agenda. She always manages to bring an alternative viewpoint to critical discussions in order to map a clear path through difficult or complex situations. She strikes the right balance between collaboration and challenge which delivers positive outcomes in an inclusive and encouraging environment.”

    Tom C, CIO & NED.

  • Get in touch with Karen

    if you have an assignment that you would like to discuss

  • Blog

    February 22, 2020
    We don’t eat meat every day but we did consume 730 litres of milk each year, mainly for breakfast...
    February 19, 2020
    My daily commute from rural North Yorkshire to Leeds is a 50 mile round trip, which I was doing...
    February 16, 2020
    With no mains gas, cooking & heating our water with oil cost us a fortune each year. We now cook ...